A Christian Speakers Bureau or Speakers Booking Agency can save you
enormous amounts of time, money, and energy. How can you out work the entire
staff of twenty different agencies and bureaus? If you have numerous agencies
and speakers bureaus working to get you booked, you will secure many more
bookings and earn much more money. Because they work for commission only, it is
in a speakers bureau's and booking agency's best interest to get you work!
if you are exclusive with an agency, make sure you encourage cooperation
between your agent and all other agents. If your agency will not work with
other bureaus or agencies, you will miss out on many events and shows. Why
leave money on the table? Representation with many other agencies gives you
more marketing and publicity and feeds more leads to the agency or bureau with
which you have an exclusive agreement. The more people you have selling you,
the more likely you are to get booked. Make sure your exclusive agent
cooperates with other agencies, or they will sell their clients comedians and
speakers that want the bookings!
need high quality photographs. You also need a well written biography that
includes your accomplishments and accolades, and why you would be a great stand
up comedian or guest speaker for various audiences. It is also good to have a
high quality video of you performing some of your stand-up comedy routine or
your keynote speech. Keep the videos brief and let the bureaus and agencies use
them to sell you.
all work with and know each other, so to get more calls, you want to develop
and maintain a reputation as a comedian or speaker that is fair, loyal, and
agreeable. You can have a multitude of people working hard to help you get more
bookings and make you more money - so don't bite the many hands that feed you.
Take care of your agents and they will take care of you! Remember TEAM means
Together Everyone Achieves More!
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