Wednesday 5 January 2022

How to Book Beth Moore for your Next Christian Event?


Beth Moore was born on an Army post in Green Bay, Wisconsin, amid the city's biggest thunderstorm in five years, according to her father. He jokes that the Lord welcomed her into the world with a drum roll. Beth grew up in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, as the fourth child of a retired Army major and a homemaker. Her father ran the neighbourhood movie theatre, and each of her four siblings had a part to perform. Beth's task was to distribute popcorn and Coke samples. Growing up in a theatre family had tremendous advantages. Beth was occasionally allowed to sneak into a movie with a pickle bag full of popcorn and a Dixie cup of Coke, and it was there that Beth began her lifelong love for stories. She loved to tell them, write them, and be told them.


However, the storey that captivated her heart and engulfed her life did not take place in a movie theatre. It was the storey of Jesus, a Savior who adored children and believed she was unique, that was told in Sunday School. A seed was planted in her young heart, and it grew to become a deep love for Christ that would mark her life.


Beth felt God calling her to work for Him when she was 18 years old. Despite the fact that she had no idea what that meant, she made it her purpose to say yes to whatever He asked. Beth earned a political science degree from Southwest Texas State University. Howard Payne University will later award her an honorary degree in humanities. In 1978, she married Keith and soon after the Lord added Amanda and Melissa to the family.

When she was a young wide and ,mother, she used to serve the Lord by speaking at luncheons and retreats, working at Mothers Day Out, and teaching Christian aerobics.

He love for the word of god was embedded when she took a Bible doctrine class at her church. Shje founded Living Proof Ministries in 1994 with the purpose of teaching word of god to the women. She has also authored several books and Bible studies, including Breaking Free, Believing God, The Patriarchs and Mercy Triumphs. Her books are read by women of all ages, races, and denominations. Over the years, Beth Moore’s bible study groups popped up all over the world.

After completing a tour of New England in 2008, Beths Living Proof Live conferences will have taken her to all fifty states since 1994. She also began a radio ministry in 2004 called Living Proof with Beth Moore hosted on Every Wednesday, she also teach Bible study on the television program Life Today with James and Betty Robison

Beth Moore is popular not just for teaching bible but also for communicating with great energy, passion, humor, warmth, and grace. She also hosts an interdenominational Tuesday-night Bible study for women in her city at Houstons First Baptist. She can be booked for Christian conferences and events through Beth Moore Booking Agent. There are prominent booking agencies that can connect you with Beth Moore Booking Agent. They also help you get Beth Moore Booking Contact, Beth Moore Scheduling. Christian speakers are playing prominent role in transforming society and helping them to live better life based on bible teachings.

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